Living a Social Christian Life

Why is it easier to live like a Christian on Facebook and Twitter than in real life? As I scroll through the feed on my own Facebook wall I find so many people posting memes, videos and comments about living a great Christian life. Of course I know many of these people have deep relationships with Jesus as demonstrated by how they live their lives, but I have to wonder how many live completely opposite the way they portray their lives on social media.

It’s so easy for people to promote the Christian faith when the Internet is sitting between them and the world. Why is it that so many people find it difficult to live the Gospel Life in reality. We’ve become a world engulfed in social media and the Internet. We’ve lost touch with human interaction. We lost touch with who we really are. It has become easier to build a false persona of ourselves on Facebook than to work hard to live a life of Christian character.

I believe people are “living” their lives on social media in this way because they truly want to have a strong Christian witness, but they lack the relationship needed to actually live it in reality. Like anything that is really worth it, living the Gospel life is difficult. There’s no easy way to get through it.

The Bible talks about people like this. There are called Pharisees. They lived their lives in public in a way that made them look like strong Christian leaders. However, behind closed doors they were just power hungry people that wanted control over others. Jesus called this group of people “a generation of vipers.”

Please don’t get me wrong…there’s nothing wrong with social media, and I think it’s great when people use social media to share their faith with the world. The one thing I want to caution you about is living the double life. Using social media to make yourself look super spiritual and living your reality as if there were no God.

Matthew 5:14-16 talks about how we are suppose to be light to the world. If you are going to shine your light make sure it shines everywhere, on your social media and your life in reality. I want to encourage you to look over your social media post and honestly determine if you are living what you post.


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