Life is Hard….Jesus is Your Hope
Life is hard. Everyday we have to deal with stupid people. We stress over money and bills. We struggle with relationships. Some of us even deal with addictions and feelings of loneliness. Jesus even told us in John 16:33 “In the world you will have trouble.” So life is hard. What are you going to do about it?
I’ve got some good news…Jesus didn’t end His statement with trouble. He went on to say “take heart, I have overcome the world.” There is nothing you have ever or will ever face that Jesus hasn’t already overcome. Let that sink in for a moment. Jesus has experienced every good and bad thing that has ever happened to you. He knows all too well what it feels like to be rejected. He knows what being in over your head feels like. He even knows the pain of death. Why? Because He loves you so much He chose to experience everything that you have experienced. He chose to go through life, even to the point of death, just like you so that you can have a relationship with Him. He has overcome it all.
So, how can you get past all the trouble in your life. You have to trust that Jesus has overcome and rely on Him to bring you through. I’m sure you’re saying “that’s easier said than done.” You’re right. It’s easy to talk about having faith in Jesus, but trusting Him to carry you through is another story.
Here are three ways you can rely on Jesus, through faith, to bring you through to trouble and problems of life.
Know Him
I know a lot of people that will say they believe in Jesus, but do you really know Him. If you really want Jesus to walk with you through life, you must know Him personally and have an ongoing relationship with Him. The “churchy” way of asking this would be ”Are you saved?” Have you accepted Jesus as your personal Savior. If you want Jesus to walk with you, you much first know Him. Being a Christian doesn’t mean you have to be a Bible thumper. It simply means that you believe Jesus came to this Earth, lived a sinless life, was crucified and rose from the dead. The Bible says in Romans 10:9-10 that if you believe that and confess your sins to God, you get to have an eternal relationship with Him.
Leave your problems with Him
1 Peter 5:7 says, “cast all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.” Jesus cares so much about you that He wants to bear your burdens. I’m sure, if you’re like me, you want to give Him your burdens too, but you still want to try and fix things yourself. While I don’t think you should just ignore problems in your life. You must also believe and trust the Jesus is there to guide you in making good decisions that will honor Him and help you. That’s what walking with Jesus and allowing Him to handle our problems is all about.
Stay Positive and Celebrate
This one may seem a little odd. How can you be positive and celebrate when things are going wrong. The answer is simple and scientific. Studies show that positivity and celebration make you feel better and energize you to take on problems head on. When you know and have faith Jesus is going to walk with you through the trials in your life, you can rejoice in knowing that everything is going to be alright.
Remember, giving your problems to Jesus doesn’t magically erase them or make things better. Sometimes, it will take time to overcome trials in your life. Life is hard, but it’s a little easier knowing that Jesus is there along side you. He’s already been there. He knows what to do. You just need to trust that He is going to guide you to make good decisions, ease the pain and frustration, and eventually give you the power to overcome any problem you may face in life.
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Why is it hard for you to leave your burdens with Jesus?
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