What a Christian Should Look Like

If I were to ask you to describe what a Christian looks like, what would you say? Everyone has a preconceived notion about what a Christian is. Back in my Christian college days we had a pastor speaking to us during a weekly chapel meeting. He told the students that a “real” pastor spends no less than 6 hours a day in Bible study and at least 2 or more hours in prayer. I don’t know about you, but I can barely sit still enough to pray for 20 minutes let alone 2 hours. The point is, there are so many ideas about what a Christian should look and act like I think we’ve lost focus of what a Christian really is…a Christ follower.

Jesus had many followers in His day. You can read about them when we fed thousands of people at a time or when the crowds were so thick they would press in on Him. ANYONE can be a follower of Jesus. Anyone can admire His teachings, mimic His life, or learn life lessons from Him. If that’s you, then you’re a Christian.

I’m sure some of you are saying…”Wait a minute, you can’t be a Christian unless you have accepted Jesus into your heart.” I have to disagree with you. You cannot experience forgiveness of sin and eternal life until you do that, but anyone can follow Jesus.

Let’s take a look at a very popular passage, Matthew 28:19-20

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” ~Matthew 28:19–20 (ESV)

The first part of this command states that we must make disciples. That’s just another way of saying people that follow Jesus…Christians. THEN we baptize them. Before someone can even understand salvation, they must be a follower of Jesus. Think about it you don’t get hooked on Pumpkin Spiced Lattes until you’ve experienced one.

So, what does a Christian truly look like? I believe it is someone who has a desire to learn more about Jesus. It is someone struggling in sin. Someone that is bound by addiction. Someone that is alone and hurting. Someone dealing with loss. Someone who is looking to find love anywhere. A true Christian is someone seeking to better their life and they’re looking to Jesus for the answers.

And when someone finds Jesus…He will change their life. The Holy Spirit will pour our grace on their lives and guide them to an eternal relationship with God.

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