Living the Gospel Without Religion

The literal translation of the gospel is Good News! As Christians, we look at the gospel as the Good News of what Jesus did for us on the cross. It is our job to share the gospel (Good News) with others so they may come to have their own relationship with Jesus. While it is important to share the good news with others the gospel is so much more that what Jesus has done for us.

JD Greer’s book, Gospel, explains how the Gospel is also what Jesus is doing for us and through us everyday. The gospel becomes a way of life! It is a representation of how you live your life in Christ each day. It is your reaction to negative circumstance, how you care for people in need, and how you interact with God everyday.

To get a full understanding of what Gospel living is all about I encourage you to get the book and study it for yourself. Today, I would like to give you three truths about God that can get you started living a gospel life.

Gospel isn’t religion

Religion is all about keeping to tradition and working for the cause of Christ. While theses are not necessarily bad, they are not gospel. Gospel is all about realizing your place in Christ and living up to a standard that the Bible lays out. If you are living your life to the standards of tradition or service then it possible you have missed the gospel life.

Jesus has already made the sacrifice

We also need to understand that Jesus has already done the work. There’s nothing left for us to do. Sometimes, I think Christians feel they need to prove themselves to God before He shows them His favor. God loves you for who we are and where you are right now. Jesus has already paid the price for your sin. So we can live the gospel life as redeemed children of God who loves us no matter what.

God wants to take care of His kids

Finally, as an extension of what I just said, God is there to take care of us. The Bible contrasts God’s care for us with how He cares for plants and animals. If God cares so much for His creation in nature how much more do you think is he going to care for His creation after His own likeness? Gospel living is all about know that God is going to take care of you if you will only have faith in Him.

With a better understanding of who God is, what He’s done for you, and what he wants to do through you, you can live a Gospel life. When you can achieve this, your life will be richer for the journey, and you will be better equipped to share the Gospel life with others.


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